METADIAR is a natural aluminosilicate that has an adsorbing and protective effect on the digestive tract. It covers the surface of gastrointestinal mucosa and protects it against irritants. It is not absorbed from the digestive tract. It binds toxic substances produced by the intestinal flora, preventing their absorption. It also limits the loss of water through the intestine wall.
Mix with food or water
cats with body weight >5 kg: 1⁄2 of level measuring cup (or level teaspoon), twice a day;
cats with body weight <5 kg: half of the above mentioned amount;
dogs: 1 level measuring cup (or level teaspoon) / 10 kg of body weight, twice a day. 1 measuring cup contains ca. 2,5g.
Aluminosilicate contained in the complementary food hinders absorption of other orally administered ingredients, therefore they should be used at least an hour after administering METADIAR.
Protects stomach and intestines.
For dogs and cats.
Ingredients: magnesium oxide, sodium chloride. Additives in 1 kg: Technological: Binders: 1m558i bentonite 700 g. Dietary: Trace elements: E 172 iron oxide 250 mg. Analytical ingredients: calcium 0%, sodium 1.5%, phosphorus 0%.
Effective products with complementary action.
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